Why Rest & Digest is scientifically proven to heal your nervous system!
You may recall the flight or fight response discussed in our last blog post.
But chances are you haven’t heard of the rest & digest process! In this blog post we discuss why the rest & digest is scientifically proven to heal your nervous system.
There are two main types of instincts that we experience in our bodies - the rest and digest instinct, and the fight or flight instinct. Both of these instincts serve an important purpose, but when they are out of balance, it can lead to gut issues.
The rest and digest instinct is what helps us to relax and heal. It is responsible for functions like digestion and immune system response. The fight or flight instinct is what helps us to deal with stressors and threats. It is responsible for functions like increased heart rate and blood flow.
The rest and digest response is a state of mind and body that promotes healing and growth. It is the opposite of the fight or flight response.
The rest and digest response is regulated by the nervous system. When we are stressed, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is activated, which triggers the fight or flight response. In contrast, when we are relaxed, the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is activated, which triggers the rest and digest response.
When we are in a state of rest and digest, our bodies are able to heal and repair. This is because the fight or flight response uses up a lot of energy, which can leave us feeling tired and rundown. In contrast, when we are in a state of rest and digest, our bodies have more energy to devote to healing and repair.
There are many things that can trigger the rest and digest response. Some of these things include:
When the mind-gut connection is out of balance, it can often lead to gut health issues. This is because the mind-gut connection plays a big role in regulating these two instincts. When the mind is stressed, it can send signals to the gut that trigger the fight or flight response, even when there is no threat present. This can lead to gut inflammation, hypersensitivity in the gut, pain, bloating, motility issues, and other symptoms.
Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help heal your mind-gut connection and bring balance back to your body. Some of these things include:
Taking breaks throughout the day
Eating a healthy diet
Exercising regularly
Getting enough sleep
Practicing meditation or mindfulness
By making these lifestyle changes, you can help to heal your mind-gut connection and improve your overall gut health.
If you’re curious to learn more about holistic healing practices to improve your mind-gut connection, discover our signature gut-directed hypnotherapy program today!